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Reporting Absences

Parents are expected to phone Dunlap Elementary before 8:30 a.m. at (920) 852-5455 if your child will be absent or late, there is an answering machine on at all times. Please leave a message if the secretary is unable to answer your call. You must call EVERY morning that your child will be absent unless you have an approved, pre-arranged absence.

If your child is sick please keep them home. They should be free of all symptoms for 24 hours, without any medications, before returning back to school.

For safety reasons, if your child must leave during the school day students will be called from their classroom when a parent or guardian arrives in the office to pick them up. Please be sure to allow time for this.

All students arriving late or leaving early MUST be signed in or out of the office.

Request for Student Absence Form

If your student will be absent more than 3 days or has met their 10 days (includes: illness, tardy and others) of absences for the school year, please fill out the Request for Student Absence Form and turn it in at the office.